31 de mar. de 2010

Ways to save on car insurance

With fuel becoming more expensive, we must be alert to every opportunity to save money – car insurance included. So here are some alternatives to save on car insurance.

- Consult an insurance company before buying the car. The insurance companies have statistics on various factors for different types of vehicles (maintenance costs, probability of being stolen, depreciation, etc.) The type of car you choose to buy has a high importance on the price that insurers will offer you.

- Take advantage of promotions. In all areas there are promotions to attract new customers, sell more and take advantage of the discount´s legal period. So you must be also alert to these kind of opportunities that can guarantee you: 10%, 20% or more discount to switch car insurance. If you have credit cards, if you have other insurances or if you belong to a trade union or if you are a partner of any entity (such as association of consumer protection), you should call them and ask if they have partnerships in the insurance area.

- Search insurance in advance. As with all choices, if you have to buy insurance in a hurry, you will not be able to choose and negotiate calmly. So, before buying the car or before renewing your car insurance policy, you should start researching the market alternatives.- Search, search, search. If you fulfill all the above points, you´ll surely fulfill this one too. If you don´t search for several alternative is almost certainly that you´re not going to get the best price you could.

- Buy car insurance! Despite being expensive and you probably won´t need to use it (which is good), do not ever think in the possibility of not buying a car insurance. If you have an accident, you will certainly spend much more money.

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3 reasons to not do a consolidated credit

Consolidated Credit is having a considerable increase of demand in recent times – but who is looking for this solution has really investigated and knows the disadvantages?

The consolidated credit may be a truly beneficial solution for people who are facing a complex financial situation, but one must also see that consolidated credit has also drawbacks:

1 – You´ll pay a lot of money in interest rates. By piling your short-term credits to a long-term (like housing) you will certainly pay much less monthly, but remember that you will have to pay your credit and rental car until many years from now, probably 20, 30 or more years, depending on the term of your mortgage loans. In the end you will pay several times the money they borrowed you because of the long deadline you have chosen.

2 – Penalty for anticipation. As in almost all the credits if you want at some point in your life to pay off the debt you may be penalized for it. If in a short term credit this may be little more than annoying, and to not be penalized, you must wait that the loan comes to an end, in a consolidated credit, which usually extends for tens of years, it could well be very damaging, because we have to live with the debt until the end, unless we are willing to pay an undeserved penalty.

3 – Low Reduction in case of not having mortgage. If you do not have a house to give as security, the reduction in the monthly payment may be limited and uninteresting, just making your debt situation worse.
Conclusion: You should only choose a consolidated credit if you cannot already pay the actual monthly fees. This solution will make your situation much easier at short term, but you will be in debt for a longer period, and the longer you are in debt, more interest rates you´ll have to pay and more likely it is to be unable to pay the “render” and waste all that you have already paid.

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